
SCPI Commands :

class ListPyCls[source]

ListPy commands group definition. 27 total commands, 9 Subgroups, 10 group commands

class FillStruct[source]

Structure for setting input parameters. Contains optional set arguments. Fields:

  • Start_Index: float: No parameter help available

  • Range_Py: float: No parameter help available

  • Index_Repetition: float: No parameter help available

  • Start_Frequency: float: No parameter help available

  • Freq_Increment: float: No parameter help available

  • Start_Power: float: No parameter help available

  • Power_Increment: float: No parameter help available

  • Retrigger: bool: No parameter help available

  • Iq_Data: bool: No parameter help available

  • Parameter_Set: int: No parameter help available

get_count() int[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:POWer:LIST:COUNt
value: int = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.get_count()

Queries the total number of segments per sweep, including repetitions.


result_count: No help available

get_csource() ConnectionSource[source]
# SCPI: [CONFigure]:GPRF:MEASurement<instance>:POWer:LIST:CSOurce
value: enums.ConnectionSource = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.get_csource()

Selects whether all list mode segments use the same RF connection.


connection_source: GLOBal: Use the same RF connection for all segments. INDex: Assign a connection index to each segment.

get_munit() MagnitudeUnit[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:POWer:LIST:MUNit
value: enums.MagnitudeUnit = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.get_munit()

No command help available


magnitude_unit: No help available

get_nidx() int[source]
# SCPI: [CONFigure]:GPRF:MEASurement<instance>:POWer:LIST:NIDX
value: int = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.get_nidx()

Sets the number of connection indices for the list mode, for the connection source INDex.


number_of_indices: No help available

get_start() int[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:POWer:LIST:STARt
value: int = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.get_start()

Selects the first segment to be measured (start of a sweep) . The total number of segments per sweep, including repetitions, must not be higher than 10000.


start_index: No help available

get_stop() int[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:POWer:LIST:STOP
value: int = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.get_stop()

Selects the last segment to be measured (the end of a sweep) . The total number of segments per sweep, including repetitions, must not be higher than 10000.


stop_index: No help available

get_txi_mode() TxiMode[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:POWer:LIST:TXIMode
value: enums.TxiMode = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.get_txi_mode()

Selects the repetition of the GPRF Meas<i>:Power trigger signal, generated by the power measurement for a repeated segment.


mode: - IREPetition: Index repetition - trigger signal after each repetition of the segment. - LENTry: List entry - trigger signal only after the last repetition of the segment.

get_txi_timing() Timing[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:POWer:LIST:TXITiming
value: enums.Timing = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.get_txi_timing()

Specifies the timing of the generated GPRF Meas<i>:Power trigger.


timing: STEP: Trigger signals are generated between step lengths. CENTered: Trigger signals are generated between measurement lengths.

get_value() bool[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:POWer:LIST
value: bool = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.get_value()

Enables or disables the list mode for the power measurement.


enable_list_mode: OFF: list mode off ON: list mode on

set_csource(connection_source: ConnectionSource) None[source]
# SCPI: [CONFigure]:GPRF:MEASurement<instance>:POWer:LIST:CSOurce
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.set_csource(connection_source = enums.ConnectionSource.GLOBal)

Selects whether all list mode segments use the same RF connection.

param connection_source:

GLOBal: Use the same RF connection for all segments. INDex: Assign a connection index to each segment.

set_fill(value: FillStruct) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:POWer:LIST:FILL
structure = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.FillStruct()
structure.Start_Index: float = 1.0
structure.Range_Py: float = 1.0
structure.Index_Repetition: float = 1.0
structure.Start_Frequency: float = 1.0
structure.Freq_Increment: float = 1.0
structure.Start_Power: float = 1.0
structure.Power_Increment: float = 1.0
structure.Retrigger: bool = False
structure.Iq_Data: bool = False
structure.Parameter_Set: int = 1
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.set_fill(value = structure)

No command help available

param value:

see the help for FillStruct structure arguments.

set_munit(magnitude_unit: MagnitudeUnit) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:POWer:LIST:MUNit
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.set_munit(magnitude_unit = enums.MagnitudeUnit.RAW)

No command help available

param magnitude_unit:

No help available

set_nidx(number_of_indices: int) None[source]
# SCPI: [CONFigure]:GPRF:MEASurement<instance>:POWer:LIST:NIDX
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.set_nidx(number_of_indices = 1)

Sets the number of connection indices for the list mode, for the connection source INDex.

param number_of_indices:

No help available

set_start(start_index: int) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:POWer:LIST:STARt
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.set_start(start_index = 1)

Selects the first segment to be measured (start of a sweep) . The total number of segments per sweep, including repetitions, must not be higher than 10000.

param start_index:

No help available

set_stop(stop_index: int) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:POWer:LIST:STOP
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.set_stop(stop_index = 1)

Selects the last segment to be measured (the end of a sweep) . The total number of segments per sweep, including repetitions, must not be higher than 10000.

param stop_index:

No help available

set_txi_mode(mode: TxiMode) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:POWer:LIST:TXIMode
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.set_txi_mode(mode = enums.TxiMode.IREPetition)

Selects the repetition of the GPRF Meas<i>:Power trigger signal, generated by the power measurement for a repeated segment.

param mode:
  • IREPetition: Index repetition - trigger signal after each repetition of the segment.

  • LENTry: List entry - trigger signal only after the last repetition of the segment.

set_txi_timing(timing: Timing) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:POWer:LIST:TXITiming
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.set_txi_timing(timing = enums.Timing.CENTered)

Specifies the timing of the generated GPRF Meas<i>:Power trigger.

param timing:

STEP: Trigger signals are generated between step lengths. CENTered: Trigger signals are generated between measurement lengths.

set_value(enable_list_mode: bool) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:POWer:LIST
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.set_value(enable_list_mode = False)

Enables or disables the list mode for the power measurement.

param enable_list_mode:

OFF: list mode off ON: list mode on

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.power.listPy.clone()
