
SCPI Commands :

class IqVsSlotCls[source]

IqVsSlot commands group definition. 19 total commands, 2 Subgroups, 7 group commands

get_fe_limit() float[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:IQVSlot:FELimit
value: float = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.iqVsSlot.get_fe_limit()

Defines the frequency estimation limit as a signal level relative to the expected nominal power. Steps with a level below this limit are not used for the frequency correction and do not contribute to the frequency results.


limit: Range-100 dB to 0 dB*RST-100 dBDefault unitdB

get_ftype() FilterType[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:IQVSlot:FTYPe
value: enums.FilterType = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.iqVsSlot.get_ftype()

Selects the IF filter type.


filter_type: IF unit: B1MHz | B10Mhz RF unit: B1MHz | B10Mhz R&S CMW: GAUSs | NYQuist | NY1Mhz B1MHz: bandpass, 1-MHz BW B10Mhz: bandpass, 10-MHz BW GAUSs: Gaussian, 100-kHz BW NYQuist: Nyquist, 100-kHz BW NY1Mhz: Nyquist, 1-MHz BW

get_mlength() float[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:IQVSlot:MLENgth
value: float = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.iqVsSlot.get_mlength()

Sets the length of the evaluation intervals used to calculate the I/Q vs slot results for one measurement step.


meas_length: No help available

get_repetition() Repeat[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:IQVSlot:REPetition
value: enums.Repeat = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.iqVsSlot.get_repetition()

Specifies the repetition mode of the measurement. The repetition mode specifies whether the measurement is stopped after a single shot or repeated continuously. Use CONFigure:..:MEAS<i>:…:SCOunt to determine the number of measurement intervals per single shot.


repetition: SINGleshot: single-shot measurement CONTinuous: continuous measurement

get_scount() int[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:IQVSlot:SCOunt
value: int = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.iqVsSlot.get_scount()

Defines the number of steps (measurement intervals) per subsweep. In list mode, the total number of steps must not exceed 3000 (step count times number of subsweeps) .


step_count: No help available

get_slength() float[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:IQVSlot:SLENgth
value: float = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.iqVsSlot.get_slength()

Sets the time between the beginning of two consecutive measurement steps.


step_length: No help available

get_timeout() float[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:IQVSlot:TOUT
value: float = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.iqVsSlot.get_timeout()

Defines a timeout for the measurement. The timer is started when the measurement is initiated via a READ or INIT command. It is not started if the measurement is initiated manually. When the measurement has completed the first measurement cycle (first single shot) , the statistical depth is reached and the timer is reset. If the first measurement cycle has not been completed when the timer expires, the measurement is stopped. The measurement state changes to RDY. The reliability indicator is set to 1, indicating that a measurement timeout occurred. Still running READ, FETCh or CALCulate commands are completed, returning the available results. At least for some results, there are no values at all or the statistical depth has not been reached. A timeout of 0 s corresponds to an infinite measurement timeout.


tcd_timeout: No help available

set_fe_limit(limit: float) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:IQVSlot:FELimit
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.iqVsSlot.set_fe_limit(limit = 1.0)

Defines the frequency estimation limit as a signal level relative to the expected nominal power. Steps with a level below this limit are not used for the frequency correction and do not contribute to the frequency results.

param limit:

Range-100 dB to 0 dB*RST-100 dBDefault unitdB

set_ftype(filter_type: FilterType) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:IQVSlot:FTYPe
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.iqVsSlot.set_ftype(filter_type = enums.FilterType.B10Mhz)

Selects the IF filter type.

param filter_type:

IF unit: B1MHz | B10Mhz RF unit: B1MHz | B10Mhz R&S CMW: GAUSs | NYQuist | NY1Mhz B1MHz: bandpass, 1-MHz BW B10Mhz: bandpass, 10-MHz BW GAUSs: Gaussian, 100-kHz BW NYQuist: Nyquist, 100-kHz BW NY1Mhz: Nyquist, 1-MHz BW

set_mlength(meas_length: float) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:IQVSlot:MLENgth
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.iqVsSlot.set_mlength(meas_length = 1.0)

Sets the length of the evaluation intervals used to calculate the I/Q vs slot results for one measurement step.

param meas_length:

No help available

set_repetition(repetition: Repeat) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:IQVSlot:REPetition
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.iqVsSlot.set_repetition(repetition = enums.Repeat.CONTinuous)

Specifies the repetition mode of the measurement. The repetition mode specifies whether the measurement is stopped after a single shot or repeated continuously. Use CONFigure:..:MEAS<i>:…:SCOunt to determine the number of measurement intervals per single shot.

param repetition:

SINGleshot: single-shot measurement CONTinuous: continuous measurement

set_scount(step_count: int) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:IQVSlot:SCOunt
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.iqVsSlot.set_scount(step_count = 1)

Defines the number of steps (measurement intervals) per subsweep. In list mode, the total number of steps must not exceed 3000 (step count times number of subsweeps) .

param step_count:

No help available

set_slength(step_length: float) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:IQVSlot:SLENgth
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.iqVsSlot.set_slength(step_length = 1.0)

Sets the time between the beginning of two consecutive measurement steps.

param step_length:

No help available

set_timeout(tcd_timeout: float) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:IQVSlot:TOUT
driver.configure.gprf.measurement.iqVsSlot.set_timeout(tcd_timeout = 1.0)

Defines a timeout for the measurement. The timer is started when the measurement is initiated via a READ or INIT command. It is not started if the measurement is initiated manually. When the measurement has completed the first measurement cycle (first single shot) , the statistical depth is reached and the timer is reset. If the first measurement cycle has not been completed when the timer expires, the measurement is stopped. The measurement state changes to RDY. The reliability indicator is set to 1, indicating that a measurement timeout occurred. Still running READ, FETCh or CALCulate commands are completed, returning the available results. At least for some results, there are no values at all or the statistical depth has not been reached. A timeout of 0 s corresponds to an infinite measurement timeout.

param tcd_timeout:

No help available

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.configure.gprf.measurement.iqVsSlot.clone()
