
SCPI Commands :

class SequencerCls[source]

Sequencer commands group definition. 105 total commands, 10 Subgroups, 6 group commands

get_centry() int[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:GPRF:GENerator<Instance>:SEQuencer:CENTry
value: int = driver.source.gprf.generator.sequencer.get_centry()

Queries the index of the processed entry. The remote query takes between 2 ms and 3 ms, which introduces an uncertainty to the results.


current_entry: If the sequencer is not running, NAV is returned.

get_nrepetition() int[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:GPRF:GENerator<Instance>:SEQuencer:NREPetition
value: int = driver.source.gprf.generator.sequencer.get_nrepetition()

Defines how often the sequencer list is processed in SINGle repetition mode.


num_of_rep: No help available

get_rcount() int[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:GPRF:GENerator<Instance>:SEQuencer:RCOunt
value: int = driver.source.gprf.generator.sequencer.get_rcount()

Queries the number of completed repetitions of the sequencer list, for repetition mode SINGle.


repcount: If the sequencer is not running or the repetition mode is CONTinuous, NAV is returned.

get_repetition() RepeatMode[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:GPRF:GENerator<Instance>:SEQuencer:REPetition
value: enums.RepeatMode = driver.source.gprf.generator.sequencer.get_repetition()

Defines the repetition mode for the sequencer list.


repetition: CONTinuous: unlimited repetitions, with cyclic processing SINGle: configured number of repetitions, with cyclic processing

get_signal() bool[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:GPRF:GENerator<Instance>:SEQuencer:SIGNal
value: bool = driver.source.gprf.generator.sequencer.get_signal()

Queries whether a signal is generated or not.


signal: No help available

get_uoptions() str[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:GPRF:GENerator<Instance>:SEQuencer:UOPTions
value: str = driver.source.gprf.generator.sequencer.get_uoptions()

Queries a list of the used software options.


used_options: The string contains a comma-separated list of options. If the sequencer is OFF, NAV is returned. If the sequencer is not OFF but no options are used by the sequencer list, ‘None’ is returned.

set_nrepetition(num_of_rep: int) None[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:GPRF:GENerator<Instance>:SEQuencer:NREPetition
driver.source.gprf.generator.sequencer.set_nrepetition(num_of_rep = 1)

Defines how often the sequencer list is processed in SINGle repetition mode.

param num_of_rep:

No help available

set_repetition(repetition: RepeatMode) None[source]
# SCPI: SOURce:GPRF:GENerator<Instance>:SEQuencer:REPetition
driver.source.gprf.generator.sequencer.set_repetition(repetition = enums.RepeatMode.CONTinuous)

Defines the repetition mode for the sequencer list.

param repetition:

CONTinuous: unlimited repetitions, with cyclic processing SINGle: configured number of repetitions, with cyclic processing

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.source.gprf.generator.sequencer.clone()
