
SCPI Commands :

class ExtPwrSensorCls[source]

ExtPwrSensor commands group definition. 8 total commands, 1 Subgroups, 6 group commands

class ResultData[source]

Response structure. Fields:

  • Reliability: int: See ‘Reliability indicator’

  • Current_Power: float: No parameter help available

  • Average_Power: float: No parameter help available

  • Minimum_Power: float: No parameter help available

  • Maximum_Power: float: No parameter help available

  • Elapsed_Stat: int: Elapsed measurement cycles

abort(opc_timeout_ms: int = -1) None[source]
# SCPI: ABORt:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:EPSensor

    INTRO_CMD_HELP: Starts, stops or aborts the measurement:

    - INITiate... starts or restarts the measurement. The measurement enters the RUN state.
    - STOP... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the RDY state. Measurement results are kept. The resources remain allocated to the measurement.
    - ABORt... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the OFF state. All measurement values are set to NAV. Allocated resources are released.

Use FETCh…STATe? to query the current measurement state.

param opc_timeout_ms:

Maximum time to wait in milliseconds, valid only for this call.

fetch() ResultData[source]
# SCPI: FETCh:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:EPSensor
value: ResultData = driver.gprf.measurement.extPwrSensor.fetch()

Returns all results of the EPS measurement.


structure: for return value, see the help for ResultData structure arguments.

get_idn() str[source]
# SCPI: FETCh:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:EPSensor:IDN
value: str = driver.gprf.measurement.extPwrSensor.get_idn()

Returns the identification string of the connected external sensor.


idn: No help available

initiate(opc_timeout_ms: int = -1) None[source]
# SCPI: INITiate:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:EPSensor

    INTRO_CMD_HELP: Starts, stops or aborts the measurement:

    - INITiate... starts or restarts the measurement. The measurement enters the RUN state.
    - STOP... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the RDY state. Measurement results are kept. The resources remain allocated to the measurement.
    - ABORt... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the OFF state. All measurement values are set to NAV. Allocated resources are released.

Use FETCh…STATe? to query the current measurement state.

param opc_timeout_ms:

Maximum time to wait in milliseconds, valid only for this call.

read() ResultData[source]
# SCPI: READ:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:EPSensor
value: ResultData = driver.gprf.measurement.extPwrSensor.read()

Returns all results of the EPS measurement.


structure: for return value, see the help for ResultData structure arguments.

stop(opc_timeout_ms: int = -1) None[source]
# SCPI: STOP:GPRF:MEASurement<Instance>:EPSensor

    INTRO_CMD_HELP: Starts, stops or aborts the measurement:

    - INITiate... starts or restarts the measurement. The measurement enters the RUN state.
    - STOP... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the RDY state. Measurement results are kept. The resources remain allocated to the measurement.
    - ABORt... halts the measurement immediately. The measurement enters the OFF state. All measurement values are set to NAV. Allocated resources are released.

Use FETCh…STATe? to query the current measurement state.

param opc_timeout_ms:

Maximum time to wait in milliseconds, valid only for this call.

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.gprf.measurement.extPwrSensor.clone()
